Landmark Capital CEO and financial expert David Fischer visits with Joe Messina on the Real Side radio show. They open the show with somber thoughts about the recent shooting in Las Vegas as well as how Puerto Rico will look to rebuild their infrastructure. David also has insight on the Fed’s future plans as well as moves China is making to establish the Yuan as a competitor to the Dollar and become a global reserve currency.

How China Will Establish the Yuan as a Global Reserve Currency?


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Show Notes:
– David gives his thoughts on the Vegas tragedy and the challenges Puerto Rico will face as they try to rebuild their infrastructure.
– The Fed is looking to unwind their balance sheet AND raise interest rates, which has never happened before. David notes that even though this will probably cause a recession, they need to do this to avoid a full on economic crash.
– In the past several years, China has made moves to establish their currency, the Yuan, as a competitor to the Dollar for the global reserve currency. They are doing this by important massive amounts of oil and purchasing it with the Yuan. They are also looking to back their currency with gold.

the yuan