David Fischer, CEO of Landmark Capital joins The Real Side with Joe Messina to discuss what is happening currently in our stock market and how you can protect your finances. David talks about exactly what a recession is and why this could be happening very soon. The average recession happens every 7-8 years, we are hitting the 11-year mark soon. David says 9 out of 10 times whenever the FED does something financially there is a payback period to be made up.

A recession is typically caused by the what the FED does financially.

To listen to the full episode, click here.

Show Notes –

– David talks about diversifying your finances for the upcoming recession to protect yourself.

– The Euro is going to be raising rates in 2019 for the United States.

– Learning about the FED and how they work is one of the best things you can do to help your finances.

– Debt is the ultimate downfall of everything that has finances David says, and it needs to be taken care of.

– The FED holds 4.5 billion dollars worth of treasuries.

the volcker rule