March Newsletter: If You Think the “Bail In” Is Dead, Then You Might Want To Do Some Rethinking

From 2010-2016 I have focused on a specific topic that relates to the crisis of 2007.   To bring awareness to the consumer of how our own government has passed laws, created unconstitutional legal entities, and given them massive power over U.S citizen’s hard earned money.  I have given seminars, spoken a [...]

Feb Newsletter: The Fed is Selling, The Government is Spending, & The Treasury is Creating, but are These Three Bubbles Bursting?

Bond yields for U.S Treasuries have been rising at one of the fastest paced rates in U.S. history.  This has caused concern on Wall Street and has become a major focus.  Bond King, Jeffrey Gundlach, has said that the yield will rise and as the 10-year Treasury yield approaches 3%, [...]

TD Ameritrade/Charles Schwab Futures – What Will the Fed Do With Interest Rates?

David Fischer, CEO of Landmark Capital joins TD Ameritrade/Charles Schwab, now as a regular contributor. Well-known analyst, trader, and host of TD Ameritrade/Charles Schwab FUTURES, Ben Litchtenstein asked David about his thoughts on our trade deficits. He says what it boils down to is this: “Is it political or fundamental?” [...]

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